
How to make Potato balls

Potato balls are foods that are rich in essential nutrients that our bodies need for growth. Potato balls can also be used as a substitute for rice because they are a source of carbohydrates.

1. 3 potatoes
2. Maizena (45 gr)
3. Cheese (to taste)
4. Salt (1/2 tsp)
5. Cooking oil


1. Frying Pan
2. Spatulas
3. Spoon
4. Cutting Board
5. Knife
6. Fork
7. Container


1. Prepare potatoes that have been peeled and cut into small pieces.
2. Boil the potatoes for 15 minutes, give a little salt and remove when it is cooked and tender.
After that, mash the boiled potatoes using a fork.
4. Enter 3 tablespoons which is equivalent to 45 grams of cornstarch, grated cheese to taste and a pinch of salt.
5. Knead until smooth, then shape the dough into a round.
6. After the dough is finished, fry it in hot oil over medium heat, then remove it when it is cooked and changes color.
7. Drain briefly and then place on a plate.
Finally, ready to be served.


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